The ADHD Facts – Dispelling the Myths

  • ADHD is a medical neurobiological disorder, included in the field of mental health
  • ADHD conservatively occurs in 4% of adults and 5% of children worldwide
  • 80% of children maintain their diagnosis into adolescence
  • 60% are still affected by core symptoms in adulthood
  • Research shows that ADHD is most often inherited
  • There are three subtypes of ADHD, depending on the three core symptoms, inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity present:
    • predominately inattentive (previously referred to as ADD)
    • predominately hyperactive (very rare)
    • combined (most prevalent)
  • Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty with the regulation of attention. Inattention, difficulties prioritizing attention and difficulty breaking and shifting attention (over-focusing) can all be an issue.
  • Executive functioning impairment and mood dysregulation can also impact many children and adults with ADHD
  • ADHD is still under-diagnosed and under-treated in Canada
  • Parenting styles do not cause ADHD
  • Diets and limiting food additives and sugar will not cure ADHD
  • Treatment for ADHD should always be multi-modal
  • Children, adolescents and adults with untreated ADHD are at a greater risk for:
    • learning difficulties, less academic success, school dropout, and fewer years of schooling
    • additional mental health disorders and problems with self esteem
    • substance abuse and a greater chance of becoming involved in the justice system
    • sustaining injuries and more accidents as well as automobile accidents
  • ADHD impedes the acquisition of human and social capital. By not recognizing and treating ADHD costs to the Canadian economy increase